Nyelv / Language



- High Speed Pascal 1.20 (Commodore Amiga)
- SAS/C 6.58 (Commodore Amiga)
- SAS/C 6.58 Y2k patch (Commodore Amiga)
Date: 2011.11.05. 15:10:45 #



- SIDTest (Commodore 64)
Date: 2011.10.26. 18:04:48 #



- Bomberman C64 Music (Commodore 64)
Date: 2011.10.25. 11:04:06 #

oscomp.hu is 5 years old

The site is five years old.

Five and a half year ago, when bgafc became two years old, kemi and i have got an idea, to create a website, wich is not about what we hate (winshit), but about what we like.

To convert the idea into practice, we got help from saxus (who wrote the portal for us), Mutant leG (who gave us a ton of retrostuff and constantly helps us out in identifying the unnamed games, queried by the visitors) and from Yare and Tux, the T-Hosting team (who gave home for bgafc and this site too).

In the last five years we uploaded nearly 1400 downloadable stuff; mostly games, but there's musics, docs, utils and even operating systems among them.
The site lived the most at 2008 march, we had more than 15000 unique visitors that time. Unfortunately we do not have that much time, and this effect the updates and the visits too. Currently we has roughly the quarter
of visits than that time.
Perhaps the site will revive a bit from now. Perhaps. :P

But it's not the site is the only thing wich has it's birthday today, two machines has it too. :)
Unfortunately i do not know the exact manufacturing date, but i know the year, so i hold the birthday today of my Amiga 500+ and my Super Com 72.

The "celebrated".

Both machine arrived into the family in 1991. The 500+ was my father's machine first, but on the xmas of '92 i got it.
In the last 20 years, i was glued together with these two machine. There were times, when they did not work because of some minor, fixable damage (as a kid i could not repair these), but they were with me all along, i had a ton of nice moments with them. And a ton of bad, when they owned me in stupid games. :P

Super Com 72, 500 in 1 (wich is ~10 games and hacks of these) and 82 in 1 cartridge.
(There are a bunch of stupid infos on the net wich states this is a SNES clone, but in reality this is a NES clone.)

Amiga 500+ with 2 MB Chip RAM and a 3.1/1.3 KickStart switch; Harms 030 Professional Plus turbocard with a 68030 CPU, 68882 FPU and 4 MB Fast RAM; RocTec RocHard IDE controller with 4 MB FastRAM and a 240 MB sized Western Digital HD.

I think i've chatted enough.
Thanks to saxus, Mutant leG, Yare, TuX for their help.

And thanks to everyone who visits the page.


- ZLib library 3.2 (Commodore Amiga)
- Wizard library 42.100 (Commodore Amiga)
- JPEG library 6.2a (Commodore Amiga)
- JPEG Datatype 43.6a (Commodore Amiga)
- iBatch 1.3 (Commodore Amiga)
Date: 2011.10.22. 20:02:50 #



- Zork III (MS-DOS)
- Zork II (MS-DOS)
- Zork I (MS-DOS)
- Zolyx (Commodore 64)
Date: 2011.10.18. 15:18:51 #