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TCH  (statz) Főfasz
#1, Főfasz (10466)
48645 | #330d | ^ | Idézet | Sat, 04 Jul 2015 13:41:37 +02
188.36.*.* Linux x86 Opera Classic Hungary *.catv.pool.telekom.hu
Volt. Kár, hogy felbomlott.
Az most mindegy. A lényeg, hogy Ákos írta a számot.
A tényleges log egy SQL ADATBÁZIS!! Érdekes...

Javaslom az t_names táblát, mert a konkrét IP-ket nem találtam meg.
root@Csabi:/media/ROOTDIR/downloads# wget http://orkenwhitesplace.tk/history.db
--2015-07-04 14:02:52--  http://orkenwhitesplace.tk/history.db
orkenwhitesplace.tk (orkenwhitesplace.tk) feloldása…
Csatlakozás a következőhöz: orkenwhitesplace.tk (orkenwhitesplace.tk)[]:80… kapcsolódva.
HTTP kérés elküldve, várakozás válaszra… 200 OK
Hossz: 286720 (280K)
Mentés ide: „history.db”

history.db          100%[=====================>] 280,00K   443KB/s  idő 0,6s

2015-07-04 14:02:53 (443 KB/s) -- „history.db” mentve [286720/286720]

root@Csabi:/media/ROOTDIR/downloads# head -c 16 history.db | more
SQLite format 3
root@Csabi:/media/ROOTDIR/downloads# sqlite3 history.db
SQLite version 2014-10-29 13:59:56
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
t_history  t_names
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(t_names);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM t_names;
2Auto-allow for updating
3Detected AP2P on Feral Hosting
4Time Warner Telecom
5Detected AP2P on SPN
6Telecom Italia Business
7botnet on VimpelCom Beeline
8botnet on Smart Broadband
9Trident Mediaguard
10Detected AP2P on LeaseWeb
12Detected AP2P on NFOrce Entertainment
14Detected AP2P on FERAL Hosting
15Ahead Software AG
17Over The Top TV
18VimpelCom Beeline|AP2P
21Digital Ocean
22Kad activity on LeaseWeb
23OVH SAS Dedicated Servers
24Detected AP2P on Hosting Services Inc
25block for PI assignments
26Priority Telecom
27Comodo CA
28Dtaps-AP2P SoftLayer
29Clicksor Malware Network Yesup
30Total Server Solutions L.L.C
31UK Government Department for Work and Pensions
32root S.A
33Detected AP2P on Hosted Data Solutions
34Kad activity on Amazon
35SMSHoax FakeAV Fraud Trojan
36Russian Federal University Network
37Dtaps - AP2P SoftLayer
39Detected AP2P on Amazon EC2 cloud
40iWeb Dedicated CL2
41possible ap2p on AVIEL
42Botnet on ChinaNet Zhejiang
43China Unicom Henan | AP2P
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(t_history);
sqlite> SELECT name,(((source >> 24) & 255) || '.' || ((source >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((source >> 8) & 255) || '.' || (source & 255)),sourceport,(((destination >> 24) & 255) || '.' || ((destination >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((destination >> 8) & 255) || '.' || (destination & 255)),destport FROM t_history LEFT JOIN t_names ON (t_history.nameid=t_names.id) WHERE nameid > 2;
Detected AP2P on Feral Hosting192.168.0.10056794185.21.216.18223890
Time Warner Telecom207.71.25.2148886192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Telecom Italia Business192.168.0.1005679495.243.73.21252669
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
botnet on VimpelCom Beeline217.118.81.2033772192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN67.215.246.106881192.168.0.10056794
botnet on Smart Broadband192.168.0.10056794125.60.156.17112028
Trident Mediaguard192.168.0.10056794154.45.216.1651088
Detected AP2P on SPN67.215.246.106881192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on LeaseWeb192.168.0.1005679483.149.125.1046881
Detected AP2P on SPN67.215.246.106881192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on NFOrce Entertainment109.201.137.16718779192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN67.215.246.106881192.168.0.10056794
OVH SAS192.168.0.10056794188.165.194.1721414
Detected AP2P on FERAL Hosting192.168.0.10056794185.21.216.1407053
Ahead Software AG192.168.0.10056794213.144.12.4345509
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p192.168.0.1005679485.26.232.3514254
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p192.168.0.100885.26.232.350
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p192.168.0.100885.26.232.350
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p192.168.0.100885.26.232.350
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p192.168.0.100885.26.232.350
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Telecom Italia Business79.4.185.1666881192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Ahead Software AG192.168.0.10056794213.144.12.4460742
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Over The Top TV192.168.0.10056794103.252.202.18716340
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
VimpelCom Beeline|AP2P217.118.78.3223759192.168.0.10056794
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on LeaseWeb10.3.145.595679483.149.125.1606881
OVH SAS10.3.145.595679491.121.178.2051413
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5956794146.185.169.2496669
Kad activity on LeaseWeb10.3.145.595679495.211.95.116881
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5956794146.185.169.2496669
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5956794146.185.169.2496669
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5951072146.185.169.2496669
OVH SAS Dedicated Servers10.3.145.595679491.121.220.6851413
Detected AP2P on Hosting Services Inc10.3.145.595679475.126.196.1456889
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.225.1386881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5951219146.185.169.2496669
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
OJSC MegaFon - CUSTOMERS-GPRS-LAN - CORP | ap2p10.3.145.595679485.26.232.3558673
block for PI assignments10.3.145.595679481.163.89.7751917
Priority Telecom10.3.145.5956794213.127.241.2347485
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.205.2260525
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951274178.255.83.280
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951275178.255.83.280
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951276178.255.83.280
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951277178.255.83.280
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951278178.255.83.180
Comodo CA10.3.145.5951279178.255.83.180
Ahead Software AG10.3.145.5956794213.144.12.419357
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Telecom Italia Business10.3.145.595679495.224.96.516881
Digital Ocean10.3.145.5951338146.185.169.2496669
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Telecom Italia Business10.3.145.595679495.243.73.21252669
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Dtaps-AP2P SoftLayer10.3.145.5956794173.193.111.20615000
Kad activity on LeaseWeb10.3.145.595679495.211.95.116881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.225.1386881
Time Warner Telecom10.3.145.5956794207.71.25.21433732
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.203.636881
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.212.749161
Clicksor Malware Network Yesup10.3.145.5956794166.48.52.489101
Total Server Solutions L.L.C10.3.145.5956794206.220.172.20553263
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
block for PI assignments10.3.145.595679481.163.131.10235699
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on Feral Hosting10.3.145.5956794185.21.217.918454
Kad activity on LeaseWeb10.3.145.595679495.211.95.116881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.225.1386881
Detected AP2P on LeaseWeb10.3.145.595679483.149.125.1046881
UK Government Department for Work and Pensions10.3.145.595679451.174.120.15046190
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on Feral Hosting10.3.145.5956794185.21.216.18257947
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on FERAL Hosting10.3.145.5956794185.21.216.1407053
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.194.1721414
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.145.5956794188.165.212.2086881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Telecom Italia Business10.3.145.595679495.243.73.21252669
root S.A10.3.145.595679494.242.229.24751413
OVH SAS10.3.145.595679491.121.59.1536881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.145.595679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Ahead Software AG10.3.151.18456794213.144.12.4060486
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on Hosted Data Solutions10.3.151.18456794173.209.211.2236881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.151.18456794188.165.225.1386881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Kad activity on Amazon10.3.151.1845679454.241.51.17359692
OVH SAS10.3.151.1845679491.121.73.20761601
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.151.1845679491.121.121.5450000
SMSHoax FakeAV Fraud Trojan10.3.151.18456794119.252.160.3446045
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.151.18456794188.165.232.17851413
Russian Federal University Network10.3.151.1845679485.143.113.3462679
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Ahead Software AG10.3.151.18456794213.144.12.4453636
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS10.3.151.1845679491.121.177.116881
Dtaps - AP2P SoftLayer10.3.151.18456794174.36.6.2315014
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Digital Ocean10.3.151.18451924146.185.169.2496669
Detected AP2P on Amazon EC2 cloud10.3.151.18456794184.73.154.18731645
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Dtaps - AP2P SoftLayer10.3.151.1845679450.97.85.2615018
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
iWeb Dedicated CL210.3.151.18456794174.142.231.9951337
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN10.3.151.1845679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS192.168.0.10056794188.165.225.1386881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Dtaps-AP2P SoftLayer192.168.0.10056794173.193.111.20615004
Digital Ocean192.168.0.10052062146.185.169.2496669
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Digital Ocean192.168.0.10052104146.185.169.2496669
possible ap2p on AVIEL192.168.0.1005679493.185.192.791277
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Botnet on ChinaNet Zhejiang192.168.0.10056794183.157.160.529012
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
China Unicom Henan | AP2P192.168.0.10056794182.118.13.1965007
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Ahead Software AG192.168.0.10056794213.144.12.4216785
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS192.168.0.1005679491.121.86.2050501
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
Detected AP2P on SPN192.168.0.1005679467.215.246.106881
OVH SAS192.168.0.1004952391.121.44.9080
OVH SAS192.168.0.1004954391.121.44.9080
OVH SAS192.168.0.1004958991.121.44.9080
Comodo CA192.168.0.10049662178.255.83.180
Comodo CA192.168.0.10049663178.255.83.180
Comodo CA192.168.0.10049677178.255.83.180
Comodo CA192.168.0.10049678178.255.83.180

Én egy darab kormányszervet vagy anti-p2p trollt nem látok ezek között. Az mondjuk érdekes, hogy miért indít a géped lekéréseket azok felé az IP-címek felé (VirusTotalos URL van azokon, amik nem voltak tiszták), de én inkább valami helyi jellegű fertőzésre gondolnék...egyszóval valami SAM van a gépeden.

Az IP-ket meg azért nem találtad meg, mert a source és a destination mezők signed 64-bit integerben vannak tárolva. "Kicsomagolásuk" a fenti lekérésben található.

Amúgy az 1-es nameid-jű bejegyzések (az üres nevek) is tele vannak SAM-es IP-kkel, de mivel most csak a névvel bíróakat néztük, hogy megy-e kormányszervek, egyebek felé valami, így azokat kihagytam, mert azokról úgy sem lehet tudni semmit az IP-címen kívül, tehát most érdektelenek voltak nekünk.

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<== | ==>
Ugrás a végére | Összes megjelenítése | Utolsó oldal
OpenOpera patches | Opera-SSL patches | Opera 12.15 source (Git repository) | Opera 12.15 source (Torrent) | Opera internal pages | Otter Browser Linux x64 - Qt5.15.2/QtWebKit5.602.1 (2024.12.02. 21:02)
OS for MC680x0 | OS for PPC | OS for Sparc64 | besztofbégéaefcé | CSÉNDZSLOG | WebToolz | DDG Shit Filter | Google Shit Filter | Progz | Fast CSS Box | Browser | OS | Agent | Statisztika | BBCode
Monospace font-family: Courier New | Browser default monospace
Email értesítő / Email notification ===> 

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Email: (max 255 byte) Nem kötelező!

Üzenet: (max 65536 kar.) 65536-0=65536

crap_vkn v4.34.0 by TCH
Thx to saxus for the escaped string decoder function (PHP), the realIP function (PHP) & the SQL handle layer (PHP), to thookerov for the int_divide function (PHP), to Jeff Anderson for the getSelText function (JS), to Alex King for the insertAtCursor function (JS), Flood3r for the new CSS styles, Pety for the spamprotection idea and some design and comfort ideas, MaxMind for the IP2Country database, famfamfam for the flags of countries and an unknown PHP programmer for the removeAccents function.

Kecskebaszók ide!