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TCH  (statz) Főfasz
#1, Főfasz (10466)
16295 | #4966 | ^ | Idézet | Wed, 17 Oct 2018 23:00:14 +02
178.164.*.* Linux x86 Opera Classic Hungary *.pool.digikabel.hu
Full libfprint interface for Pascal:
 * Main definitions for libfprint
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Drake <dsd@gentoo.org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

// FreePascal conversion by TCH of EverLink

unit fprint;


{$LINKLIB libfprint}
{$inline on}

uses unixtype;

{ structs that applications are not allowed to peek into }

	fp_dscv_dev = record end;
	fp_dscv_print = record end;
	fp_dev = record end;
	fp_driver = record end;
	fp_print_data = record end;
	fp_img = record end;

	pfp_dscv_dev = ^fp_dscv_dev;
	pfp_dscv_print = ^fp_dscv_print;
	pfp_dev = ^fp_dev;
	pfp_driver = ^fp_driver;
	pfp_print_data = ^fp_print_data;
	pfp_img = ^fp_img;

	ppfp_dscv_dev = ^pfp_dscv_dev;
	ppfp_dscv_print = ^pfp_dscv_print;
	ppfp_dev = ^pfp_dev;
	ppfp_driver = ^pfp_driver;
	ppfp_print_data = ^pfp_print_data;
	ppfp_img = ^pfp_img;

{ misc/general stuff }

{* \ingroup print_data
 * Numeric codes used to refer to fingers (and thumbs) of a human. These are
 * purposely not available as strings, to avoid getting the library tangled up
 * in localization efforts.


	LEFT_THUMB	= 01; {* thumb (left hand) }
	LEFT_INDEX	= 02; {* index finger (left hand) }
	LEFT_MIDDLE	= 03; {* middle finger (left hand) }
	LEFT_RING	= 04; {* ring finger (left hand) }
	LEFT_LITTLE	= 05; {* little finger (left hand) }
	RIGHT_THUMB	= 06; {* thumb (right hand) }
	RIGHT_INDEX	= 07; {* index finger (right hand) }
	RIGHT_MIDDLE	= 08; {* middle finger (right hand) }
	RIGHT_RING	= 09; {* ring finger (right hand) }
	RIGHT_LITTLE	= 10; {* little finger (right hand) }

{* \ingroup dev
 * Numeric codes used to refer to the scan type of the device. Devices require
 * either swiping or pressing the finger on the device. This is useful for
 * front-ends.
	FP_SCAN_TYPE_PRESS = 0; {* press }
	FP_SCAN_TYPE_SWIPE = 1; {* swipe }

{ Drivers }
function  fp_driver_get_name(dev: pfp_driver): pchar; cdecl; external;
function  fp_driver_get_full_name(dev: pfp_driver): pchar; cdecl; external;
function  fp_driver_get_driver_id(dev: pfp_driver): word; cdecl; external;
function  fp_driver_get_scan_type(dev: pfp_driver): longint; cdecl; external;

{ Device discovery }
function  fp_discover_devs: ppfp_dscv_dev; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_dscv_devs_free(devs: ppfp_dscv_dev); cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_get_driver(dev: pfp_dscv_dev): pfp_driver; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_get_devtype(dev: pfp_dscv_dev): longword; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_supports_print_data(dev: pfp_dscv_dev; print: pfp_print_data): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_supports_dscv_print(dev: pfp_dscv_dev; print: pfp_dscv_print): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_for_print_data(devs: ppfp_dscv_dev; print: pfp_print_data): pfp_dscv_dev; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_dev_for_dscv_print(devs: ppfp_dscv_dev; print: pfp_dscv_print): pfp_dscv_dev; cdecl; external;

function fp_dscv_dev_get_driver_id(dev: pfp_dscv_dev): word; inline;

{ Print discovery }
function  fp_discover_prints: ppfp_dscv_print; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_dscv_prints_free(prints: ppfp_dscv_print); cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_print_get_driver_id(print: pfp_dscv_print): word; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_print_get_devtype(print: pfp_dscv_print): longword; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_print_get_finger(print: pfp_dscv_print): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dscv_print_delete(print: pfp_dscv_print): longint; cdecl; external;

{ Device handling }
function  fp_dev_open(ddev: pfp_dscv_dev): pfp_dev; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_dev_close(dev: pfp_dev); cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_get_driver(dev: pfp_dev): pfp_driver; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_get_nr_enroll_stages(dev: pfp_dev): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_get_devtype(dev: pfp_dev): longword; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_supports_print_data(dev: pfp_dev; data: pfp_print_data): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_supports_dscv_print(dev: pfp_dev; print: pfp_dscv_print): longint; cdecl; external;

function  fp_dev_supports_imaging(dev: pfp_dev): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_img_capture(dev: pfp_dev; unconditional: longint; image: ppfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_get_img_width(dev: pfp_dev): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_dev_get_img_height(dev: pfp_dev): longint; cdecl; external;

{* \ingroup dev
 * Enrollment result codes returned from fp_enroll_finger().
 * Result codes with RETRY in the name suggest that the scan failed due to
 * user error. Applications will generally want to inform the user of the
 * problem and then retry the enrollment stage. For more info on the semantics
 * of interpreting these result codes and tracking enrollment process, see
 * \ref enrolling.
	{* Enrollment completed successfully, the enrollment data has been
	 * returned to the caller. }
	{* Enrollment failed due to incomprehensible data; this may occur when
	 * the user scans a different finger on each enroll stage. }
	FP_ENROLL_FAIL			= 002;
	{* Enroll stage passed; more stages are need to complete the process. }
	FP_ENROLL_PASS			= 003;
	{* The enrollment scan did not succeed due to poor scan quality or
	 * other general user scanning problem. }
	{* The enrollment scan did not succeed because the finger swipe was
	 * too short. }
	{* The enrollment scan did not succeed because the finger was not
	 * centered on the scanner. }
	{* The verification scan did not succeed due to quality or pressure
	 * problems; the user should remove their finger from the scanner before
	 * retrying. }

function  fp_enroll_finger_img(dev: pfp_dev; print_data: ppfp_print_data; img: ppfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;

{* \ingroup dev
 * Performs an enroll stage. See \ref enrolling for an explanation of enroll
 * stages. This function is just a shortcut to calling fp_enroll_finger_img()
 * with a NULL image parameter. Be sure to read the description of
 * fp_enroll_finger_img() in order to understand its behaviour.
 * \param dev the device
 * \param print_data a location to return the resultant enrollment data from
 * the final stage. Must be freed with fp_print_data_free() after use.
 * \return negative code on error, otherwise a code from #fp_enroll_result
function  fp_enroll_finger(dev: pfp_dev; print_data: ppfp_print_data): longint; inline;

{* \ingroup dev
 * Verification result codes returned from fp_verify_finger(). Return codes
 * are also shared with fp_identify_finger().
 * Result codes with RETRY in the name suggest that the scan failed due to
 * user error. Applications will generally want to inform the user of the
 * problem and then retry the verify operation.
	{* The scan completed successfully, but the newly scanned fingerprint
	 * does not match the fingerprint being verified against.
	 * In the case of identification, this return code indicates that the
	 * scanned finger could not be found in the print gallery. }
	{* The scan completed successfully and the newly scanned fingerprint does
	 * match the fingerprint being verified, or in the case of identification,
	 * the scanned fingerprint was found in the print gallery. }
	{* The scan did not succeed due to poor scan quality or other general
	 * user scanning problem. }
	{* The scan did not succeed because the finger swipe was too short. }
	{* The scan did not succeed because the finger was not centered on the
	 * scanner. }
	{* The scan did not succeed due to quality or pressure problems; the user
	 * should remove their finger from the scanner before retrying. }

function  fp_verify_finger_img(dev: pfp_dev; enrolled_print: pfp_print_data; img: ppfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;

{* \ingroup dev
 * Performs a new scan and verify it against a previously enrolled print. This
 * function is just a shortcut to calling fp_verify_finger_img() with a NULL
 * image output parameter.
 * \param dev the device to perform the scan.
 * \param enrolled_print the print to verify against. Must have been previously
 * enrolled with a device compatible to the device selected to perform the scan.
 * \return negative code on error, otherwise a code from #fp_verify_result
 * \sa fp_verify_finger_img()
function  fp_verify_finger(dev: pfp_dev; enrolled_print: pfp_print_data): longint; inline;

function  fp_dev_supports_identification(dev: pfp_dev): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_identify_finger_img(dev: pfp_dev; print_gallery: ppfp_print_data; match_offset: psize_t; img: ppfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;

{* \ingroup dev
 * Performs a new scan and attempts to identify the scanned finger against a
 * collection of previously enrolled fingerprints. This function is just a
 * shortcut to calling fp_identify_finger_img() with a NULL image output
 * parameter.
 * \param dev the device to perform the scan.
 * \param print_gallery NULL-terminated array of pointers to the prints to
 * identify against. Each one must have been previously enrolled with a device
 * compatible to the device selected to perform the scan.
 * \param match_offset output location to store the array index of the matched
 * gallery print (if any was found). Only valid if FP_VERIFY_MATCH was
 * returned.
 * \return negative code on error, otherwise a code from #fp_verify_result
 * \sa fp_identify_finger_img()
function  fp_identify_finger(dev: pfp_dev; print_gallery: ppfp_print_data; match_offset: psize_t): longint; inline;

{ Data handling }
function  fp_print_data_load(dev: pfp_dev; finger: longint; data: ppfp_print_data): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_from_dscv_print(print: pfp_dscv_print; data: ppfp_print_data): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_save(data: pfp_print_data; finger: longint): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_delete(dev: pfp_dev; finger: longint): longint; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_print_data_free(data: pfp_print_data); cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_get_data(data: pfp_print_data; ret: ppbyte): size_t; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_from_data(buf: pbyte; buflen: size_t): pfp_print_data; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_get_driver_id(data: pfp_print_data): word; cdecl; external;
function  fp_print_data_get_devtype(data: pfp_print_data): longword; cdecl; external;

{ Image handling }

{* \ingroup img }
	fp_minutia = record
		x: longint;
		y: longint;
		ex: longint;
		ey: longint;
		direction: longint;
		reliability: double;
		type_: longint;
		appearing: longint;
		feature_id: longint;
		nbrs: plongint;
		ridge_counts: plongint;
		num_nbrs: longint;
	pfp_minutia = ^fp_minutia;
	ppfp_minutia = ^pfp_minutia;

function  fp_img_get_height(img: pfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_img_get_width(img: pfp_img): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_img_get_data(img: pfp_img): pbyte; cdecl; external;
function  fp_img_save_to_file(img: pfp_img; path: pchar): longint; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_img_standardize(img: pfp_img); cdecl; external;
function  fp_img_binarize(img: pfp_img): pfp_img; cdecl; external;
function  fp_img_get_minutiae(img: pfp_img; nr_minutiae: plongint): ppfp_minutia; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_img_free(img: pfp_img); cdecl; external;

{ Polling and timing }

	fp_pollfd = record
		fd: longint;
		events: smallint;
	pfp_pollfd = ^fp_pollfd;
	ppfp_pollfd = ^pfp_pollfd;

function  fp_handle_events_timeout(timeout: ptimeval): longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_handle_events: longint; cdecl; external;
function  fp_get_pollfds(pollfds: ppfp_pollfd): size_t; cdecl; external;
function  fp_get_next_timeout(tv: ptimeval): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_pollfd_added_cb = procedure (fd: longint; events: smallint);
type tfp_pollfd_removed_cb = procedure (fd: longint);
procedure fp_set_pollfd_notifiers(added_cb: tfp_pollfd_added_cb; removed_cb: tfp_pollfd_removed_cb); cdecl; external;

{ Library }
function  fp_init: longint; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_exit; cdecl; external;
procedure fp_set_debug(level: longint); cdecl; external;

{ Asynchronous I/O }

type tfp_dev_open_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; status: longint; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_dev_open(ddev: pfp_dscv_dev; callback: tfp_dev_open_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_dev_close_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; user_data: pointer);
procedure fp_async_dev_close(dev: pfp_dev; callback: tfp_dev_close_cb; user_data: pointer); cdecl; external;

type tfp_enroll_stage_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; result: longint; print: pfp_print_data; img: pfp_img; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_enroll_start(dev: pfp_dev; callback: tfp_enroll_stage_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_enroll_stop_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_enroll_stop(dev: pfp_dev; callback: tfp_enroll_stop_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_verify_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; result: longint; img: pfp_img; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_verify_start(dev: pfp_dev; data: pfp_print_data; callback: tfp_verify_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_verify_stop_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_verify_stop(dev: pfp_dev; callback: tfp_verify_stop_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_identify_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; result: longint; match_offset: size_t; img: pfp_img; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_identify_start(dev: pfp_dev; gallery: ppfp_print_data; callback: tfp_identify_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;

type tfp_identify_stop_cb = procedure (dev: pfp_dev; user_data: pointer);
function  fp_async_identify_stop(dev: pfp_dev; callback: tfp_identify_stop_cb; user_data: pointer): longint; cdecl; external;


function fp_dscv_dev_get_driver_id(dev: pfp_dscv_dev): word; inline;
	fp_dscv_dev_get_driver_id := fp_driver_get_driver_id(fp_dscv_dev_get_driver(dev));

function  fp_enroll_finger(dev: pfp_dev; print_data: ppfp_print_data): longint; inline;
	fp_enroll_finger := fp_enroll_finger_img(dev, print_data, nil);

function  fp_verify_finger(dev: pfp_dev; enrolled_print: pfp_print_data): longint; inline;
	fp_verify_finger := fp_verify_finger_img(dev, enrolled_print, nil);

function  fp_identify_finger(dev: pfp_dev; print_gallery: ppfp_print_data; match_offset: psize_t): longint; inline;
	fp_identify_finger := fp_identify_finger_img(dev, print_gallery, match_offset, nil);

{$inline off}


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OS for MC680x0 | OS for PPC | OS for Sparc64 | besztofbégéaefcé | CSÉNDZSLOG | WebToolz | DDG Shit Filter | Google Shit Filter | Progz | Fast CSS Box | Browser | OS | Agent | Statisztika | BBCode
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Név: (max 255 byte)

Email: (max 255 byte) Nem kötelező!

Üzenet: (max 65536 kar.) 65536-0=65536

crap_vkn v4.34.0 by TCH
Thx to saxus for the escaped string decoder function (PHP), the realIP function (PHP) & the SQL handle layer (PHP), to thookerov for the int_divide function (PHP), to Jeff Anderson for the getSelText function (JS), to Alex King for the insertAtCursor function (JS), Flood3r for the new CSS styles, Pety for the spamprotection idea and some design and comfort ideas, MaxMind for the IP2Country database, famfamfam for the flags of countries and an unknown PHP programmer for the removeAccents function.

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