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TCH  (statz) Főfasz
#1, Főfasz (10466)
3095 | #22d6 | ^ | Idézet | Sat, 05 Jan 2013 18:46:39 +01
78.92.*.* Linux x86 Opera Classic Hungary *.pool.t-online.hu
(Operában nem megy a "meghallgatás".)
Hehe. Hogy is mondják arrafele a nagy ámerikába? Now they taste their own medicine.
Kurwa anyját a mikrofosnak, remélem a gugli szarrá fogja őket szopatni.

Sz*rk: A hupákódalon persze most vérhabot okádva fröcsögnek a rühös korcs windózerek, hogy mekkorageciagugli, hátilyetmégazemessecsinált...
Aztán a szemét tróger binguzosok belinkelték ezt:
@Ivan Leo Puoti @ Microsoft genuine downloads looking for wine:
As some of you may know, Microsoft is planning to totally restrict
access to the Microsoft
download center to all non-genuine windows users. So you would expect
some check for pirated
copies of windows to be involved. If you visit the download center with
IE you get an activex control,
but if you try with Firefox, you'll have to download a little program,
that returns a code you have to copy into
the download page, to get access to the download you selected.
By quickly looking at the program, I noticed it looks for a registry
key, this key is...
the wine configuration key.
the Windows Genuine Advantage program press release
says that in the second half of 2005, all users connecting to the
Microsoft download center or to windows update
will have to validate their copy of windows. Interestingly if you run
the validation program on wine, and the version
of windows you're emulating is prior to 2000 or is windows server 20003,
you get a message saying a validation code
couldn't be found, because of technical difficulties or because you're
running an unsupported operating system.
If you set winver to win2000, you'll get a validation code that doesn't
work, this may be a bug in wine, or in the
validation program.
A valid and working code is returned if the version is set to xp. Still,
even if this is only an initial attempt, they
appear to want to discriminate wine users, while this may be acceptable
for operating system components/updates,
this is probably a violation of anti-trust law for all other downloads.
It's also the first time Microsoft acknowledges the
existence of Wine.

Ivan Leo.
Tehát amikor a júzer nem IE-vel (ami ugye nem megy Wine alatt), hanem pl. Firefoxxal ment fel a letöltőjükre, akkor lefuttattak vele egy programot, ami megállapította, hogy miféle winfos az, amiből fut a cucc és ha Wine, akkor blokkolta. Ha a registryben az ominózus bejegyzést átírták suxp-re, akkor meg működött. Pont ahogy most a gugli nyavalyája is működik winfosmobilról, ha átírják az user-agentet. És akkor még van pofája egynémelyik rühös kis mikrofoscsicskásának nyifogni-vinnyogni, hogy deszemét a gugli, amiért ezt meri tenni a nagy és jóságos mikorofossal. No fucking comment.

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OpenOpera patches | Opera-SSL patches | Opera 12.15 source (Git repository) | Opera 12.15 source (Torrent) | Opera internal pages | Otter Browser Linux x64 - Qt5.15.2/QtWebKit5.602.1 (2024.12.02. 21:02)
OS for MC680x0 | OS for PPC | OS for Sparc64 | besztofbégéaefcé | CSÉNDZSLOG | WebToolz | DDG Shit Filter | Google Shit Filter | Progz | Fast CSS Box | Browser | OS | Agent | Statisztika | BBCode
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crap_vkn v4.34.0 by TCH
Thx to saxus for the escaped string decoder function (PHP), the realIP function (PHP) & the SQL handle layer (PHP), to thookerov for the int_divide function (PHP), to Jeff Anderson for the getSelText function (JS), to Alex King for the insertAtCursor function (JS), Flood3r for the new CSS styles, Pety for the spamprotection idea and some design and comfort ideas, MaxMind for the IP2Country database, famfamfam for the flags of countries and an unknown PHP programmer for the removeAccents function.

Kecskebaszók ide!