IG2 & IG1
BGAFC_AE.exe v2.07 HUN/ENG
This is an Imperium Galactica 2 editor wich able you to edit the invention statuses.
189 188 byte

BGAFC_PE.exe 1.00 ENG
This is an Imperium Galactica 2 editor wich able you to edit the pods.
163 733 byte

BGAFC_PL.exe 1.00 ENG
This is an Imperium Galactica 2 editor wich able you to edit the inventions' podlists.
172 374 byte

IG2DAT_E.exe v1.03 HUN/ENG
This is a Packer/Unpacker for the IG2's DAT archieves.
227 902 byte

ig1pac_h.exe v1.0 ENG
This is a Packer/Unpacker for the IG1's PAC archieves.
39 815 byte

SA2_Hang.exe v1.1 ENG
This is a sound extractor for SpidyAni2. (IG movies)
39 617 byte

IG2_114.exe v1.14 HUN/ENG
Non-official new IG2 patch. It has contains compatibility and visual fixes.
4 721 280 byte

IGSC0915.exe v0.91.5 ENG
IG2 Scenario creator. It can only create new scenarios yet. It cannot open compiled scenarios.
Thanks to Endre and Dave Jackson for testing.
Known bugs
1 371 783 byte

And here is the source of the first scenario wich was the test scenario too.
151 510 byte

http://oscomp.hu    Last update: 2015.01.15.  79185